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Air flue gas heat exchanger

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Air flue gas heat exchanger

Classification of air flue gas heat exchangers:
1, According to the temperature can be divided into three models: high temperature air flue gas heat exchanger: more than 450 degrees of flue gas use; medium temperature air flue gas heat exchanger: less than 450 degrees of flue gas use; low temperature air flue gas exchange Heater: Use flue gas below 220 °C.
2, According to heat exchanger heat transfer utilization: flue gas - air - water waste heat recovery, flue gas - steam heat recovery heat exchanger, air - glycol solution heat exchanger, air - water vapor waste heat utilization, air - Water heat recovery, flue gas-water heat exchanger, high temperature flue gas waste heat recovery heat exchanger, annealing furnace flue gas waste heat utilization, kiln tail gas reuse hot air heat exchanger, reaction kettle oil and gas waste heat utilization heat exchanger.
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